Study Guides | 4. electromagnetism | Electric Switch

Study Guide: Electric Switch


Qty Item
1 6-volt battery
1 6-volt lightbulb (can be found in auto parts stores)
1 lightbulb base (can use part of an old flashlight)
4 feet Insulated copper wire
2 Metal thumb tacks
1 Metal paper clip
1 roll Electrician's tape
1 Piece of 1/2" thick wooden board about 4" square


Make the electrical circuit
  1. Cut the wire into three sections. Two 12 inch lengths and one 24" length. Strip about 1/2" of insulation off each each wire end, and twist the exposed wires.
  2. Attach the two 12" wires to the terminals of the bulb base.
  3. Attach one of the 12" wires to one of the battery terminals.
  4. Attach the 24" wire to other battery terminal.
Test the circuit
  1. Insert the bulb into the bulb holder.
  2. Test the circuit by momentarily touching the two free wire ends together. The bulb should light.
Add the switch
  1. Twist open the paper clip so that it creates and S shape, and attach the free end of one of the wires one end of the clip.
  2. Using a thumbtack, attach the end of the paper clip with the wire on it to the wooden beard.
  3. Twist the free end o the other wire around the other paper clip, and push it into the wooden board, underneath the free end of the paper clip.
  4. Adjust the hight of the tack and tha angle of the paper clip so that it functions as a switch.
  5. Use electric tape as needed to secure all connections.


  1. Try replacing the lightbulb with a low-voltage buzzer or electric motor.

More Information

What is a Circuit?
