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Animating the Web

Self-Driving Car – No Libraries

A fantastic introduction to Javascript programing, including many important concepts and examples from the fields of math, physics and computer science.

Leslie Lamport

The man who revolutionized computer science with math


Animating the Web.

Random Number Generator

Example Javascipt code for a random number generator.

Online Scientific Calculator

An HTML5 calculator implemented in Javascript.

Converting HTML to PDF on the Command Line Using Google Chrome

How to convert HTML TO PDF on the command line using Chromium (Google Crome) as the rendering engine.

Converting Files in HEIC Format to JPEG Format

How to convert those pesky HEIC files into JPEG format.

Converting Files in HEIC Format to JPEG Format

How to convert those pesky HEIC files into JPEG format.

Am I Viewing Localhost?

Creative Commons

Weather Forecast Santa Rosa

Whiteboard Fi

Rdiff-Backup for Mac Users

Using rdiff-backup on macOS

Find Command

Find command cheatsheet

Find Command

Find command cheatsheet

Using Scratch to Increment a Counter in a Range

Scratch was originally added to Hugo to get around a limitation of Go templates. Due to advances in Go Templates, Scratch is no longer needed in most situations, but it still works.

Local Web Server With Python

How to spin up a local Python web server from any directory.

Local Web Server With Python

Spin up a local Python Web server from any directory.

HTML5 Charts in Hugo

Thanks to the good work of Shen Yu and a global community of hackers, it is now easy to add fancy charts to Hugo Websites. Here are my first experiments.

OBS Studio

Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.


LibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite used by millions of people around the world.


OEIS TeX Math Symbols

Working With Taxonomy Templates in Hugo


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Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, “house” and -λογία, “study of”) is a branch of biology. Topics include biodiversity and populations of living organisms, dynamics of ecosystems, and the flux of energy and matter through an environment.

Climate Clock

Adding the metric of time to the global warming conversation

Alexander Von Humboldt

Global Warming

In recent decades, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. Climate measurements show this trend accelerating, with all but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record having occurred since 2000 CE.

A Future for the World’s Children?

As climate and commercial threats intensify, WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission presses for radical rethink on child health.

Air Quality and Smoke Days

As human-induced climate change ravages the planet while entrenched profit groups continue to obfuscate, confuse and delay, major fires are becoming the norm. To help fight the onslaught of misinformation, here is some important information on how to protect your home and family.

The Embarcadero Freeway

The Embarcadero Freeway is widely considered one of the most glaring examples of corruption in San Francisco's history. For 32 years, the concrete monstrosity blocked the view of the bay. While all but those who profited from it's construction roundly hated the project, it took an earthquake to break it down.


Weather is what happens to us. We feel it now. It can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season.Climate is the average of all weather patterns measured over longer terms of time and space. Denialism are the delusions about climate as promoted at Fox Fools and some other propaganda-manufacturing, for-profit corporations.

Head Lice

Important information on identifying and removing head lice.

Bear Safety

Important safety information about hiking and camping in bear country.

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Typing and Keyboarding

Learn to type correctly using this simple online game.

Writing a Persuasive Letter

Writing an Outline


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The Game of Go

The game of Go is simplicity and complexity in one.

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The Home Planet

The Earth is our home, and we are a part of the Earth. We rely upon the Earth for our very existence. The Earth’s gifts feed us, provide shelter, and all that we need to survive and thrive.

Change Is The Only Constant

The Earth is dynamic. It is always changing. Even small changes can have profound influences on humanity and civilization. Understanding the Earth’s systems and how they interact is vital for our survival and wellbeing.

Formation of Planet Earth

Our Milky Way galaxy came together nearly 14 billion years ago when enormous clouds of gas and dust coalesced under the force of gravity. Over time, two structures emerged: first, a vast spherical “halo,” and later, a dense, bright disk. Billions of years after that, our own solar system spun into being inside this disk, so that when we look out at night, we see the Milky Way.

Layers of Planet Earth

The Earth is made of many layers. We live on the outer layer, a thin layer of rock and water floating on an ocean of molten rocks and metals.

Change and Plate Tectonics

Time and the Surface of the Earth

Fire and the Earth

Volcanoes have existed for a long time on Earth, and they deserve our greatest respect. They may have caused major planetary disasters, such as the Permian Mass Extinction about 250 million years ago, which may have been the greatest mass extinction on Earth.

Pele: Goddess of Fire

Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire---like the volcanos she represents---deserves our greatest respect. Hew beauty is awe-inspiring, her moods fiery, and her fury immense.

Types of Rocks

Experiment: Growing Salt Crystals

Create a supersaturated solution. As the solution becomes unstable, salt crystals will form.


Crystals are the outer form of a mineral's inner order. Nearly every piece of rock on Earth is made of minerals, each of which has a precise arrangement of atoms.

Identifying Rocks

To identify a rock, think like a geologist and examine its physical characteristics for clues.


Minerals and Life

We are a part of the Earth, a piece of the whole. Just as our terrestrial planet is made of specific minerals, we are made of the same minerals. Our bodies need many essential minerals to remain healthy. A well-balanced diet can provide all the minerals we need.

Deep Ocean Vents

A Pale Blue Dot


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Chief Seattle


Valerie Kaur

What if this darkness, is not the darkness of tomb, but the darkness of the womb?! What if our America is not dead, but a country that is waiting to be born? What if the story of our country is one long labor? What if this is our nation's great transition?! Breath! Push! We will breathe... in love, through love. Our revolutionary love is the magic we will show our children!

Greta Thunberg

All we have to do is wake up and change.

Winston Churchill


No one knows for sure how old Chinese civilization is. We do know that it’s one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, and that it is the only one to have existed unbroken from it's earliest beginning into modern times. Legends claim that the first rulers in China were the Xia Dynasty, from around 2100 to 1600 BCE, and that Yu was the first emperor.

US Fighters in Manchuria

Little known facts about US involvement in the Pacific War prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Amanda Gorman

In order to write, I must have music. Without. Music. I. Can. Not. Write.

Kamala Harris

On March 16, 2021, US Vice President Kamala Harris gave the following speech to the United Nations at the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

The Christmas Truce of 1914

Who Is Sandy Weill?

Julia Ward Howe

Arise, all women who have hearts!
Mathematics 6

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Sixth Grade Topics


Decimal System

Squares and Square Roots

A headlong plunge into the mighty story of perfect squares and their roots.

Area in the Coordinate Plane

Finding the area of polygons defined by linear equations.

Danish Hearts

Metric Measurements

Metric to US Measurement Conversions

Prime Numbers

Rational Numbers (Fractions)

Review of fractions.


Long division is useful when a problem is too large or complicated to solve another way. Long division usually takes more time, but it always work.


Exponentially advanced multiplication, and its inverses.


All about relations, functions and sequences.


Measure twice, cut once.


Percent means "out of one hundred".


A ratio compares two or more values.

What Is Mathematics?

A brief and somewhat inaccurate introduction to the language of mathematics.

Metric Multipliers

Islamic Golden Age

Islamic Mosaic Art

Prime Numbers

Subtracting Integers

The Coordinate Plane


Glossary of Mathematics Terms

Mathematical terms and definitions.
Mathematics 7

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Decimal System

Squares and Square Roots

A headlong plunge into the mighty story of perfect squares and their roots.

Area in the Coordinate Plane

Finding the area of polygons defined by linear equations.

Metric Measurements

Metric to US Measurement Conversions

Multiplying and Dividing Monomials

Prime Numbers

Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is considered one of the most famous mathematical statements, and the fourth most beautiful of all equations.


Long division is useful when a problem is too large or complicated to solve another way. Long division usually takes more time, but it always work.


Exponentially advanced multiplication, and its inverses.


Measure twice, cut once.


Percent means "out of one hundred".


A ratio compares two or more values.

What Is Mathematics?

Metric Multipliers

Algebra Glossary

A monumental and ever-expanding list of vital terms with their definitions.

7-2-7. One-Step Equations With Rational Numbers

Comparing, Ordering, Adding, Subtracting Rational Numbers


Glossary of Mathematics Terms

Mathematical terms and definitions.
Mathematics 8

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8-5-7. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Eighth Grade Topics

8-5-3. Linear Functions

8-5-6. Point-Slope Form


Inequalities Overview

An utterly unequaled compendium of factoids highlighting the finer points of unequal solutions.

Flipping Digits

These digit flipping challenges are tough at first, but with practice you can become a pro.

Solving Inequalities With Variables on Both Sides

Decimal System


Ye awesome overview of slopes, mountains, and steep ravines..

Squares and Square Roots

A headlong plunge into the mighty story of perfect squares and their roots.

Systems of Linear Equations

Solving systems of linear equations.

Area in the Coordinate Plane

Finding the area of polygons defined by linear equations.

Metric Measurements

Metric to US Measurement Conversions

Prime Numbers

Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is considered one of the most famous mathematical statements, and the fourth most beautiful of all equations.

Absolute Value

Absolutely the best guide you are likely to find covering the essentials of absolute values and their equations.

Data Visualization

All about how to read visual data.


Exponentially advanced multiplication, and its inverses.


All about relations, functions and sequences.

Inequalities With Multiplication and Division


Measure twice, cut once.


Percent means "out of one hundred".


A ratio compares two or more values.

Review 1: Ready to to On?

Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

Solving Compound Inequalities

What Is Mathematics?

Metric Multipliers



Algebra Glossary

A monumental and ever-expanding list of vital terms with their definitions.

Glossary of Mathematics Terms

Mathematical terms and definitions.

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Math for nurses

Common Intravenous Fluids

Common terms of intravenous fluids.

Drug and Dosage Forms

Common drug and dosage forms.

Drug and Solution Measurements

Common unit measurements.

Miscellaneous Terms and Symbols

Miscellaneous terms and symbols used by nurses.

Routes of Drug Administration

Routes of drug administration.

Times of Drug Administration

Times of drug administration.

Unit Conversions

Common unit conversions.

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Aldoux Huxley

Baruch Spinoza

Inspired by the philosophy of the ancient Greek Stoics, and in reaction to the materialistic ideas of René Descartes, Spinoza became one of the greatest thinkers of 17th-century European Enlightenment. He contributed greatly to modern biblical criticism, and modern conceptions of the individual in the universe.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Obama’s Speech to Students, September 8, 2009

The President gives a speech directly to America's students welcoming them back to school. He emphasizes their hope and potential but makes clear they will need to take responsibility for themselves and their education to reach that potential.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Physics 12

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The study of the physical properties of sound, light, heat, gravity, fluid dynamics, magnetism and electricity.

Additive Light

The mixing together (or addition) of three primary colors of light with varying degrees of intensity produce a wide range of other colors.
Physics 6

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The study of the physical properties of sound, light, heat, magnetism and electricity.

Propagation of Sound G6

Sources of Sound G6


Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was the greatest experimentalist in electricity and magnetism of the 19th century and one of the greatest experimental physicists of all time. He is known as the ‘Father of Electricity’.

Sources of Heat

Visible Light

Sound in Water


Expansion and Contraction

Visible Light

Speed of Light



Static Electricity


Solar Oven


Physics 7

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The study of the physical properties of sound, light, heat, gravity, fluid dynamics, magnetism and electricity.


Sadako Sasaki

Sadako Sasaki was two years old on August 6th, 1945 when the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on her home


Archimedes is often considered the world's greatest scientist---certainly the greatest scientist of ancient times.


There are three classes of levers, depending on where the load and effort are located compared to the fulcrum. Each type of lever has its own uses and advantages.


A pulley is collection of one or more wheels over which a rope is looped. The arrangement makes it easier to move and lift heavy objects.

Bridge Videos



The Scientific Method

Origami Mobile

How to make a mobile with origami cranes.

Six Simple Machines

Simple machines are devices with no---or very few---moving parts.

Sound G7

Glass Harp

Doppler Effect


Speed of Light


Metric Multipliers

Physics Jokes

Physics 8

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The study of the physical properties of sound, light, heat, gravity, fluid dynamics, magnetism and electricity.

Einstein and the Theory of Relativity


Isaac Newton

Laws of Motion

Newton’s Cradle

Rube Goldberg Cartoons

Rube Goldberg Machine

The Four Fundamental Forces of the Universe

The Pendulum

The Scientific Method

The scientific method is critical to the development of scientific theories. These theories are then used to try to explain the empirical (experiential, observable, measurable) world.

Discoverers of Electromagnetic Energy

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was the greatest experimentalist in electricity and magnetism of the 19th century and one of the greatest experimental physicists of all time. He is known as the ‘Father of Electricity’.

James Clerk Maxwell

Michael Faraday was the greatest experimentalist in electricity and magnetism of the 19th century and one of the greatest experimental physicists of all time. He is known as the ‘Father of Electricity’.


What Is Sound?

Speed of Light

Light Refraction



Sound Propagation

Sound is all about vibrations. To make a sound, there needs to be a source---something that vibrates---whether it's a musical instrument, the larynx (voice box) of a person, or the movement of Tectonic Plates...

Project: Kinetic Sculpture Vehicle

Design, build and race a Kinetic Sculpture Vehicle.

Electric Switch

Doppler Effect

Single and Parallel Circuits

Electric Motor



Quantum Levitation

Metric Multipliers

Physics Jokes