Study Guide: Einstein and the Theory of Relativity
Biography Notes
- March 14, 1879: Born in Ulm, Germany. Full name is Hans Albert Einstein.
- Very imaginative and dreamy as a child.
- Was considered a poor and disobedient student in school because he asked too many questions.
- Always enjoyed spending time alone, hiking in the woods, and thinking.
- Enjoyed playing the violin.
- Loved learning math.
- Studied in Milan, Italy, where his curiosity and questions were welcome.
- Wrote several scientific papers at an early age, but they were ignored due to his youth.
- 1905: A year sometimes described as his annus mirabilis (‘miracle year’), Einstein published four groundbreaking papers.
- Moved to Switzerland, where he was very happy and met his first wife.
- Had an odd appearance because he did not care what others thought of appearances. Did not comb his hair; often forgot his keys; often forgot to eat.
- Returned to Germany where he met his second wife, Ilse.
- Developed the Theory of Relativity, $E = mc^2$, which unified our understanding of energy, matter and light.
- Moved to the US due to threats on his life by the Nazis.
- Recommended that the US develop the atomic bomb because although he opposed militarism, he felt it would be even worse if the Nazis developed it first.
- Supported the creation of Israel as a homeland for Jews (and all others of the region).
- Opposed the creation of a Jewish state with a military and borders because of his fear of what extreme nationalism would do to Judaism.
- Condemned Zionist acts of terrorism against Palestinians.
- Was happily married for many years to Ilse, and until her death.
- July 9, 1955: Signed the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, warning about the dangers nuclear weapons
- In later years, lived quietly alone in Princeton, and continued to play his violin.
- April 8, 1955: Died quietly while working on an equation.
Science Sources
Humanitarian Sources
Video: Albert Einstein (11 min)
Video: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (13 min)