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Study Guide: Physics Jokes

Chemistry jokes are funny periodically, but physics jokes…

…have more potential!
The science of Physics creates long, complicated equations to explain why…

…round balls roll.
A photon checks into a hotel.

The front desk asks “Do you need help with your luggage?” What does the photon reply?

“I don’t have any luggage. I’m traveling light.”
Frames of Reference

A bar walks into a man… oops, wrong frame of reference. A neutrino walks through a bar…

Dead Physicists

It has been scientifically proven that old physicists never die. What actually happens to them (scientifically-speaking of course)?

Their wave functions go to zero as time goes to infinity.
What did the Nuclear Physicist have for lunch?

Fission Chips
What did one electron say to the other electron?

Don’t get excited. You’ll only get into a state!
Why should you always travel with neutrons?

Wherever they go, there’s no charge.
Where does bad light go?

To prism.
How many theoretical physicists does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.
What looks blue and smells like red paint?

Red paint moving very fast towards you.
Schrodinger and the Cop

Schrodinger and Heisenberg were out driving together when they were pulled over by a policeman.

The cop walks up to the window and asks, “Sir, do you know how fast you were going?”

Heisenberg replies, “No, but I know exactly where I was.”

The cop is not amused and orders the physicists to open their trunk. He looks inside and sees a dead cat.

“Do you know there is a dead cat in your trunk?”

Schrodinger replies, “Well, I do now!”

How many lives do radioactive cats have?

18 half-lives

Two atoms are walking down the street.

One turns to the other and says, “Oh, no! I think I lost an electron!”

The other responds, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive!”

Studying radioactivity is as easy as what?

alpha, beta and gamma
Newton’s Square

Einstein, Newton and Pascal were playing Hide and Seek.

Einstein slowly counted to 100 while Pascal ran off and hid.

Newton carefully drew a square on the ground with a side measure of 1 meter, and sat down in the middle it.

When Einstein finished counting and pened his eyes, he immediately spotted Newton. “That was easy, I found you Newton!” he proclaimed with pride.

Newton replied “No you didn’t, I’m Pascal.”

Hint: \( 1\ Pascal = \dfrac{1\ Newton}{Meter^2} \)
Two cats slide off a roof. Which one hit the ground first?

The cat with smaller “mu” hits the ground first.

Hint “mu” or μ is the coefficient of friction.

What did the male magnet say to the female magnet?

From your backside, I thought you were repulsive. However, after seeing you from the front, I find you rather attractive.
What did one quantum physicist say when he wanted to fight another quantum physicist?

Let me atom.
Have you heard of the physicist who got chilled to absolute zero.

He’s 0K now.
What’s the difference between an auto mechanic and a quantum mechanic?

The quantum mechanic can get the car inside the garage without opening the door.
What did the subatomic duck say?

The Physicist’s Husband

A newlywed husband is discouraged by his wife’s obsession with physics. Afraid of being second fiddle to her profession, he finally confronts her: “Do you love Physics more than me?”

“Of course not, dear–I love you much more!”

Happy, although skeptical, he challenges her: “Well, then prove it!”

Pondering a bit, she responds: “Ok… Let epsilon be greater than zero…”

Physics Limerick

There was an old lady called Wright
Who could travel much faster than light.
She departed one day
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night.
