Study Guides | 5. mechanics | Origami Mobile

Study Guide: Origami Mobile


  1. Four or more thin sticks or wires
  2. Four or more objects to hang
  3. Fishline, dark thread or other very thin string.
  4. Scissors
  5. Tape (Optional. Can be helpful for holding sections in place as you test the balance.)
  6. Beads (Optional. Can be added to the strings for extra flair.)
  7. Hook or paper clip


  1. Make at least four origami cranes. (Directions for making an Origami Crane)
  2. Create your Mobile from the bottom up. Check each section as you go to be sure it is balanced and can rotate freely without bumping into other parts of the mobile.
  3. Attach strings to each end of a stick, and attach a crane to the end of each string.
  4. Loosely attach a string near the middle of the stick, and move it until the section is perfectly balanced. Then tie it tightly into position.
  5. Attach the other end of the middle string to the end of a new stick. Continue, one or two sections at a time, checking for balance and free movement as you go.
  6. Finish by adding string near the middle of the top stick, and a hook to the other end. The mobile will hand from this string.

