Study Guides | 3. heat | Sources of Heat

Study Guide: Sources of Heat


  • Friction
  • Stress
  • Combustion
  • Radiation
  • Entropy
  • Fire
  • Convection
  • Conduction

Sources of Heat

  1. Friction (Mechanical)
  2. Stress (Mechanical)
  3. Combustion (Chemical “fire”)
  4. Radiation (Electromagnetic)
  5. Entropy (Heat loss)

Propagation of Heat

  1. Radiation
  2. Convection (Liquid or gas materials move, such as in a lava lamp)
  3. Conduction (Heat is transferred within material, but material does not move.)


  1. Friction: Rubbing hands
  2. Friction: Starting fire by rubbing sticks
  3. Friction: Matches
  4. Stress: Bending paperclips and other metal objects
  5. Combustion: Candle and gas torch
  6. Radiation: Incandescent lamp
  7. Radiation: White and black paper on a hot day
  8. Radiation: Heat of metal door in morning and afternoon