Study Guides | 4. electromagnetism | Static Electricity

Study Guide: Static Electricity

Balloon Demonstrations

Qty Item
2 Toy balloons
1 Empty aluminum soda can
1 One to two foot section of PCV pipe
1 Roll of string
1 Piece of fur, wool, or other material for creating static through friction.

Triboelectric Series

Positive Charge
Dry human skin Greatest tendency to giving up electrons and becoming highly positive (+) in charge
Rabbit fur Fur is often used to create static electricity
Glass The glass on your TV screen gets charged and collects dust
Human hair “Flyaway hair” is a good example of having a moderate positive (+) charge
Lead A surprise that lead would collect as much static electricity as cat fur
Cat fur
Aluminum Gives up some electrons

Neutral Material
Cotton Best for non-static clothes
Steel Not useful for static electricity

Negative Charge
Wood Attracts some electrons, but is almost neutral
Hard rubber Some combs are made of hard rubber
Nickel, Copper Copper brushes used in Wimshurst electrostatic generator
Brass, Silver
Gold, Platinum It is surprising that these metals attract electrons almost as much as polyester
Polyester Clothes have static cling
Styrene (Styrofoam) Packing material seems to stick to everything
Saran Wrap You can see how Saran Wrap will stick to things
Polyethylene (like Scotch Tape) Pull Scotch Tape off surface and it will become charged
Vinyl (PVC) Many electrons will collect on PVC surface
Teflon Greatest tendency of gathering electrons on its surface and becoming highly negative (-) in charge

Static Electricity: Part 1

Static Electricity: Part 1

Static Electricity—Triboelectric Series (11:00)

Static Electricity Box - Dancing Foam Pith Balls (3:25)
