Study Guides | measurements | Measurements

Study Guide: Measurements

Terms To Understand

Unit: A unit is any measurement that equals 1, such as 1 inch, 1 pound, one gallion, 1 mile/hour, etc.

Large and Small Numbers

\begin{array}{lrll} \hline Name & Value & Prefix & Symbol \\\ \hline trillion &1,000,000,000,000 & tera & T \\\ billion &1,000,000,000 & giga & G \\\ million &1,000,000 & mega & M \\\ thousand &1,000 & kilo & k \\\ hundred &100 & hecto & h \\\ ten &10 & deka & da \\\ unit &1 & & \\\ tenth &0.1 & deci & d \\\ hundredth &0.01 & centi & c \\\ thousandth &0.001 & milli & m \\\ millionth &0.000,001 & micro & µ \\\ billionth &0.000,000,001 & nano & n \\\ trillionth &0.000,000,000,001 & pico & p \\\ \hline \end{array}

US Standard System

  • Inch:
  • Foot:
  • Yard:
  • Mile:

1 Foot = 12 Inches

1 Yard = 3 Feet = 36 Inches

1 Mile = 1,760 Yards = 5,280 Feet = 63,360 Inches

1 Foot 0.3048 m = 1⁄3 yd = 12 inches = 0.3048 m

Liquid Volume
  • Fluid Ounces:
  • Cups:
  • Pints:
  • Quarts:
  • Gallons:

16 Cups = 8 Pints = 4 Quart = 1 Gallon

Mass and Weight
  • Ounces
  • Pounds
  • Tons
  • Newtons

1 Pound = 16 Ounces

1 Ton = 2000 Pounds = 32,000 Ounces


\begin{array}{rrrr} \hline & &\textbf{Fahranheit} &\textbf{Celsius} &\textbf{kelvin} \\\ \hline &\text{Absolute zero} & & &0 K \\\ &\text{Water freezes} &-32° F &0° C &273.15 K \\\ &\text{Human body} &98° F &36.85° C &310 K \\\ &\text{Water boils} &212° F &100° C \\\ \hline \end{array}

SI Metric System

The metric system is an international system of measurement.

It has three main units:

Unit Symbol Measures
Meter m length
Gram g mass (or weight)
Second s time