Study Guides | measurements | Measurements

Study Guide: Measurements

Terms To Understand

Term Type Description
Unit A unit is any measurement that equals 1, such as 1 inch, 1 pound, one gallon, 1 mile/hour, etc.
Conversion Factor
International (or Metric) System International measurement system based on multiple s of 10. Used as the standard measurement almost everywhere.
US Standard System Measurement system adapted from the older English (Imperial) system. Used only in the US and a few of it's colonies.
Inches Length
Feet Length
Yards Length
Miles Length
Fluid Ounces Liquid Volume
Cups Liquid Volume
Pints Liquid Volume
Quarts Liquid Volume
Gallons Liquid Volume
Ounces Volume
Pounds Volume
Tons Volume

Large and Small Numbers

\begin{array}{lrll} \hline \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Value} & \textbf{Prefix} & \textbf{Symbol} \\ \hline trillion &1,000,000,000,000 & tera & T \\ billion &1,000,000,000 & giga & G \\ million &1,000,000 & mega & M \\ thousand &1,000 & kilo & k \\ hundred &100 & hecto & h \\ ten &10 & deka & da \\ unit &1 & & \\ tenth &0.1 & deci & d \\ hundredth &0.01 & centi & c \\ thousandth &0.001 & milli & m \\ millionth &0.000,001 & micro & µ \\ billionth &0.000,000,001 & nano & n \\ trillionth &0.000,000,000,001 & pico & p \\ \hline \end{array}

US Standard System Equivalent Lengths

Inches Feet Yards Miles
12 1 1/3
36 3 1
63,360 5,280 1,760 1
Conversion Factors

12 Inches = 1 Foot
3 Feet = 1 Yard
1 Foot = 0.3048 m

Liquid Volume

16 Cups = 8 Pints = 4 Quart = 1 Gallon

Mass and Weight

1 Pound = 16 Ounces

1 Ton = 2000 Pounds = 32,000 Ounces


\begin{array}{rrrr} \hline & &\textbf{Fahranheit} &\textbf{Celsius} &\textbf{kelvin} \\ \hline &\text{Absolute zero} & & &0 k \\ &\text{Water freezes} &-32° F &0° C &273.15 k \\ &\text{Human body} &98° F &36.85° C &310 k \\ &\text{Water boils} &212° F &100° C \\ \hline \end{array}

SI Metric System

The metric system is an international system of measurement. It has three main units:

Unit Symbol Measures
Meter m length
Gram g mass (or weight)
Second s time