Study Guides | organization | Writing an Outline

Study Guide: Writing an Outline

Why Use an Outline?

  1. Outline are a quick and easy way to take notes.
  2. Outlines help you arrange your ideas in the best order.
  3. Outlines help you identify the most important ideas.
  4. Outlines are an easy way to share ideas with others. When comparing outlines, it’s very easy to see what missing or what’s different.
  5. Good outlines make it incredibly easy to write most excellently.

Example Outline

  1. Introduction

    a. Really interesting idea that hooks the reader into wanting to read more.

    b. Another really interesting idea.

    c. A cool fact that really makes the point. Speaking of which…

  2. Body

    a. And interesting detail.

    b. Another interesting detail.

    c. Another interesting detail.

    d. A relevant interesting detail.

    e. Another relevant interesting detail.

  3. Conclusion

    a. Why all this matters.

    b. How all these details relate.

    c. Why it matters.
