Sixth Grade Geology

Geology is the study of the Earth–our home planet. In this block we explore the Earth through time and space. We begin at the beginning, with a speed-of-light journey from the dawn of this space/time/energy/matter continuum to the relatively recent formation our home planet. We study the cycle of star formation and decay, the creation of nebulae and star dust, and the formation of solar systems and planets.

We learn about the inner layers of the Earth, and how they affect the surface of the planet. We study Plate Tectonics, the Ring of Fire, volcanoes, earthquakes, geysers, deep ocean vents, crystals and fossils.

We learn about the cycle of rock formation, and the three primary categories of rock. We are introduced to the Carbon Cycle, and its direct relationship to the Rock Cycle.

We analyze the unique features of different kinds of rock, and the six forms of crystals. We learn to use the Mohs scale for comparing and identifying rocks. We learn to correctly categorize rocks and minerals based on their formation as either igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic.

Finally, we close with a short exploration of the impact that minerals have on nutrition and health.
