Physics Jokes

Chemistry jokes are funny periodically, but physics jokes… Answer …have more potential! The science of Physics creates long, complicated equations to explain why… Answer …round balls roll. A photon checks into a hotel. The front desk asks “Do you need help with your luggage?” What does the photon reply? Answer “I don’t have any luggage. I’m traveling light.” Frames of Reference A bar walks into a man… oops, wrong frame of reference.

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Physics Jokes

Chemistry jokes are funny periodically, but physics jokes… Answer …have more potential! The science of Physics creates long, complicated equations to explain why… Answer …round balls roll. A photon checks into a hotel. The front desk asks “Do you need help with your luggage?” What does the photon reply? Answer “I don’t have any luggage. I’m traveling light.” Frames of Reference A bar walks into a man… oops, wrong frame of reference.

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Alexander Von Humboldt

Scientist Explorer The German naturalist Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt’s (1769-1859), known in English as Alexander von Humboldt, is considered the father of modern geography and ecology. He was a German polymath, geographer, naturalist, explorer, and proponent of Romantic philosophy and science. Humboldt’s quantitative work on botanical geography laid the foundation for the field of biogeography. His advocacy of long-term systematic geophysical measurement laid the foundation for modern geomagnetic and meteorological monitoring.

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After a quick-rising backlash against Subway’s use of the dough additive azodicarbonamide (ADA), managers at the fast-food corporate personhood announced that they would stop using the chemical foaming agent—found in items from yoga mats to flip-flops—in their bread. It was a small victory in the fight against questionable food additives—one that feels even smaller, as the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a new report finding ADA in the ingredients of nearly 500 corporate personhood branded bread products.

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A Future for the World's Children?

As climate and commercial threats intensify, WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission presses for radical rethink on child health.

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