By Daniel Schmachtenberger | Earth Date: Dec 6, 2023 CE

What can we trust? Why is the ‘information ecology’ so damaged, and what would it take to make it healthy?

These are fundamental questions, because without good sensemaking, we cannot act sensibly in the world. It is also a central concern in what many are calling the “meaning crisis”, because what is meaningful is connected to what is real.

Daniel is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. Towards these ends, he’s had particular interest in the topics of catastrophic and existential risk, civilization and institutional decay and collapse as well as progress, collective action problems, social organization theories, and the relevant domains in philosophy and science.
