May 4, 2020 CE

Films For Action is a community-powered, digital library for people who want to change the world.

Their mission is to provide citizens with the knowledge and perspectives essential to creating a more beautiful, just, sustainable, and democratic society.

Films For Action was founded in 2006 by a few friends in Lawrence, Kansas, after realizing how essential a healthy media is to a healthy democracy.

Although they started out hosting community film screenings in the beginning and did so for many years, their digital library eventually became their primary focus.

Today, with the help of members (who can add content directly to their site), they’ve curated over 5,000 of the best documentaries, short films, and videos that can be watched for free online plus several dozen pay-per-view documentaries, sorted into 34 subjects related to changing the world.

And, since there’s still so much to learn about that isn’t featured in a film, they’ve also curated 4,000 articles.

Thanks to their patrons, their library is ad-free and 100% supported by member donations, which currently allows them to pay 1 full-time staff member, Tim Hjersted.
