Jun 18, 2024 CE

The Earthquake Country Alliance is a public-private-grassroots partnership of people, organizations, and regional alliances throughout California that work together to improve earthquake and tsunami preparedness, mitigation and resiliency.

Everywhere in California can experience damaging earthquakes. While much has been done to prepare, more is needed. Those of us committed to improving earthquake safety and reducing risk must find new ways to inspire all Californians to take responsibility and act now to increase resiliency. This is how Californians will not only survive the next big disaster, but get our lives, neighborhoods and businesses back on track quickly.

None of us can do this alone. Creating a culture of resiliency for all Californians depends on leveraging our efforts and sharing our strengths. The purpose of the ECA is to facilitate these efforts.

Source: https://class.ronliskey.com/link/earthquake-country-alliance/