By Ron | Earth Date: Jul 27, 2022 CE

Diego Jameau is a rare creative artist who has cultivated his natural talents for music, dance and the fine arts, each to a professional level.

Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Jameau first learned to dance and sing from his mother, the lead dancer in the National Dance Company of Haiti. While studying with several major dance instructors, he became a member of the nationally-prized dance company, Troupe Bacalou, at age thirteen, and four years later held a position with Les Danseurs de L’Ile as the company’s lead dancer and choreographer.

At twenty-one, Jameau left Haiti for Europe, where he taught classes and produced full-scale performances in Afro-Haitian music and dance in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, France, England, Canada, and the U.S., gaining international acclaim as a leading Afro-Haitian dancer, educator, and musician.

Aside from dancing professionally, Jameau attended the Arts Academy of Haiti for a flourishing five years of education in the fine arts, and has been commissioned to do many works that have been exhibited at galleries internationally.

At the present time, Jameau’s professional career strongly focuses on his music performance in and around the San Francisco Bay Area. He has produced and co-produced five music albums since . He plays a beautiful, soulful acoustic string guitar and is known as “The Whistler” for his lyrical, flute-like whistling.
