Sixth Grade Physics Standards

About the Standards

An integrated, developmentally-appropriate middle school science program for grades 6 through 8.

Middle School Progressions

The CA NGSS define two possible progressions for middle school: the preferred Integrated Model, which interweaves science disciplines in a developmentally appropriate progression; and the Discipline-Specific Model, which provides in depth focus on a different science discipline at each grade level.

The two models differ only in the sequence; every student is expected to meet each middle grade performance expectation by the end of the grade. In this context, sequence refers to the course (sixth, seventh, or eighth grade) in which a particular Performance Expectation (PE) is mastered.

The new Preferred Integrated Model more closely matches Waldorf-inspired education because it emphasizes the need for experiential learning, depth of understanding, systems thinking, and developmentally-appropriate content.

One fundamental goal for K-12 science education is a scientifically literate person who can understand the nature of scientific knowledge. Indeed, the only consistent characteristic of scientific knowledge across the disciplines is that scientific knowledge itself is open to revision in light of new evidence.
NGSS APPENDIX H---Understanding the Scientific Enterprise: The Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards

Historical Background

The CA NGSS are aligned with the nationally developed NGSS. This nationwide effort specified PEs for each year in kindergarten through grade five. However, in the middle grades, the PEs were presented for the entire span of grade six through grade eight. Because California adopts instructional materials for kindergarten through grade eight on a statewide basis, standards had to be placed at specific grade levels—sixth, seventh, and eighth. Therefore, the SSPI recommended that the SBE adopt specific placement of the standards for the middle grades at each grade level.

The SSPI convened a Science Expert Panel which consisted of K-12 teachers, scientists, educators, business and industry representatives, and informal science educators. This panel evaluated a range of options for the appropriate organization and sequence of the PEs. Members of the public provided feedback to the Science Expert Panel via three open forums and a Webinar. The Science Expert Panel concluded that an integrated model for grades six through eight would be the most effective model for optimizing student learning of the NGSS; the panel subsequently reviewed the national model developed by Achieve (2010), adapted it to better align with California’s needs, and recommended only the Preferred Integrated Model to the SBE.

California Integrated Course Model

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