By Ron Liskey | Earth Date: Jan 12, 2021 CE

# Topic Page Title More Information Assignment
Title Page and
Table of Contents
1 Sound Glass Harp Study Guide 8-PHY-7
2 Sound Doppler Effect Study Guide 8-PHY-8
3 Sound Sound in Water Study Guide 8-PHY-9
4 Sound Quantum Levitation Study Guide 8-PHY-10
5 Light Lightning Study Guide 8-PHY-11
6 Light Speed of Light Study Guide 8-PHY-12
7 Light Electromagnetic Spectrum Study Guide 8-PHY-13
8 Electricity Static Electricity Study Guide 8-PHY-15
9 Electricity Electric Circuits Study Guide 8-PHY-16
10 Electricity Electric Motor Study Guide 8-PHY-17

There are several kinds of main lesson book pages, including Lab Reports, Research Papers and Biographies.

Lab Reports
Title Use the suggested title, or create your own. All titles must be appropriate and related to the content.
Author’s Name Write your name under the page title.
Materials List of equipment and materials needed for the demonstration.
Procedures List of steps needed to perform the demonstration. Include important safety procedures.
Observations Several sentences, bullet points or paragraphs with clear scientific descriptions of your observations.
Illustrations Every page should have at least one illustration. Illustrations must support the writing.
Conclusions Write several clear sentences or paragraphs summarizing your conclusions.

Research Papers and Biographies

Include a page title, your name, original writing, illustrations, and a list of sources.


  1. Have a parent or teacher proof your writing before copying it to a main lesson book page.
  2. Cursive writing is expected, but block lettering is allowed in some cases.
  3. Final writing should be in dark ink or colored pencil.
  1. Every page should include at least one illustration.
  2. All illustrations must be related to the page content.
Page Design
  1. Each page should have a minimum 3/8 inch margin (space) on all edges.
  2. Plan your page(s) so that writing and illustrations fill pages without leaving awkward empty spaces.
  3. Avoid using computer printouts unless they clearly add to the quality of the page.
  4. Work on artistic borders only after finishing other page content.
  5. Complete the Title Page and Table of Contents towards the end of the block, but leave enough time to do them well.
  6. All work must meet the quality and content expectations of both your main class teacher and science teacher.
  1. We are learning, so mistakes are natural. Your pages should reflect your best effort, but they do not need to be flawless.
  2. If you make a mistake in your writing, don’t scribble over the words or cover it with a gob of Wite-Out(r). Here are more creative ways to deal with mistakes:
    1. Turn the mistake into a design, such as a :sunflower: or :heart: or :smiley_cat: or :fallen_leaf:.
    2. Draw a line through the mistake, and write the correction nereby nearby.
    3. If using erasable ink, erase it.

Study Guide

More detailed information is in the Study Guide.

Credit-No Credit Option

If you received a waiver for a credit/no credit option, you must complete the following requirements:

  1. Participation: Continue to attend class when possible.

  2. Independent Study: Study the written and online class resources.

  3. Main Lesson Book Pages: Complete at least half of the assigned main lesson book pages, as well as the Title Page and Table of Contents. Focus on topics that you find particularly interesting.

  4. Due Date: All work is due by the date set in your Credit/No Credit Agreement.

Contacting the Teacher

The fastest way to reach me is email or a note in my box in the School Office. To request a meeting, send a message with a few proposed times. You can contact me online.
