7th Grade Physics

Seventh grade physics continues where sixth grade left off. This year, we make greater use of the scientific method to analyse observations. Main lesson book work is augmented with longer research reports and biographies. Topics covered include sound, light, heat, electricity and mechanics. Students begin each topic by examining their individual experience with the subject, after which the class moves through a series of demonstrations of key concepts and principles.

The study of sound explores the concepts of echos and the speed of light, intervals, consonance and dissonance, resonance, sympathetic vibrations, and overtones. The study of light continues with an exploration of reflections, perspective, mirror images and optical illusions. The study of heat continues with further explorations of the effects of heat on matter, including freezing and boiling, weight and density, and transformations between states of matter. The study of electricity continues with the construction of voltaic piles, circuits and switches, and simple electric motors. The study of mechanics begins this year with an exploration of the Six Simple Machines, including balance beams, levers, pulleys, wheels, and incline planes.

Please note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible to effectively cover all topics. To recover some of these missed opportunities, certain topics will be integrated into next year’s mathematics classes.