Global Warming
In recent decades, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. Climate measurements show this trend accelerating, with all but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record having occurred since 2000 CE.
Math Tutoring
Eighth grade math tutoring is scheduled for Mondays, Fourth Period, from 2:15 to 3:00 pm. Contact your main class or math teacher if you would like to attend.
In eighth grade, we focus on the following topics: 1) increasing the ability to persevere in solving complex mathematical questions; 2) developing a greater understanding of expressions and equations; 3) modeling and solving linear equations, inequalities, and systems; 4) simplifying rational expressions; 45) solving problems with roots and exponents; 6) using functions to describe quantitative relationships; 7) analyzing two- and three-dimensional figures using distance, angle, similarity, congruence, and the Pythagorean Theorem; 8) applying mathematical reasoning to solve real world questions taken from our physics main lesson block and selected current events; and 9) high school readiness.
In sixth grade, we focus on the following topics: 1) developing greater fluency in arithmetic skills learned in prior grades—in particular fractions, decimals and percents; 2) developing the ability to solve increasingly complex mathematical challenges; 3) working with ratios and rates; 4) developing a deeper understanding of rational numbers and integers; 5) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and monovariate equations; 6) converting between different units of measurement; 7) determining the shapes and sizes of basic geometric shapes; and 8) applying mathematical reasoning to solve real world questions taken from our physics main lesson block and selected current events.
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