Frederick Douglass Heritage

“Abolition of slavery had been the deepest desire and the great labor of my life” Frederick Douglass

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Sonoma County Weather Forcast

To confuse the deluded, “Corporate Personhoods” (r) are quick to rebrand socialistically-funded information supplied by We the People as their own. You can protect your personal data AND avoid obnoxious corporate ads (once known as propaganda) by viewing weather forecasts directly from our excellent US National Weather Service. Sonoma County Weather Forcast »

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Consensus Decision Making Handouts

Consensus Decision Making is a cooperative process in which group members develop and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole. The main reasons to use consensus as a decision-making method: High quality decisions Builds connection among members More effective implementation

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City of Santa Rosa Evacutation Map

An occasionally up-to-date display of current evacuation zones.

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Sonoma County Fire Incident Map

An occasionally up-to-date display of current evacuation zones.

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If I could make everyone in the world see one film, I’d make them see EARTHLINGS." Peter Singer, author Animal Liberation It’s not that we haven’t seen this before. We have… It’s not that we didn’t care before. We did… But, this film manages to cut through our denial and numbness. One can not watch without rediscovering the capacity to care. The video changes lives, and may perhaps change society.

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Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking

The ideal of critical thinking is a central one in Russell’s philosophy, though this is not yet generally recognized in the literature on critical thinking. For Russell, the ideal is embedded in the fabric of philosophy, science, liberalism (classical, pre-NewSpeak) and rationality, and this paper reconstructs Russell’s account, which is scattered throughout numerous papers and books.

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Creative Commons

Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world. They work to protect and contribute to the full potential of the Internet—universal access to research and education, full participation in culture—to drive a new era of development growth, and productivity.

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