Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill is remembered by the people of England for leading Britain through “her finest hour,” and by most of the rest of the world as a murderous racist. Besides rousing a reluctant nation to war, he championed imperialism, white supremacism, the carpet bombing of cilivian cities, and networks of terrorizing concentration camps.

Perhaps ignorant of Churchill’s legacy, and in an attempt to disassociate himself from his own draft-dodging past, President-Select George W Bush placed a bust of Churchill near his desk in the White House.

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No one knows for sure how old Chinese civilization is. We do know that it’s one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, and that it is the only one to have existed unbroken from it’s earliest beginning into modern times. Legends claim that the first rulers in China were the Xia Dynasty, from around 2100 to 1600 BCE, and that Yu was the first emperor.

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Us Fighters in Manchuria

Little known facts about US involvement in the Pacific War prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

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Weather is what happens to us. We feel it now. It can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season.Climate is the average of all weather patterns measured over longer terms of time and space. Denialism are the delusions about climate as promoted at Fox Fools and some other propaganda-manufacturing, for-profit corporations.

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Amanda Gorman

In order to write, I must have music. Without. Music. I. Can. Not. Write.

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Kamala Harris

On March 16, 2021, US Vice President Kamala Harris gave the following speech to the United Nations at the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

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The Christmas Truce of 1914

The Truce

The Christmas Truce of 1914 occurred during the Winter Solstice, when soldiers on many sides of the battle in many places along the Western Front put down their weapons and cautiously emerged from their trenches to celebrate together.

Perhaps it was inspired on December 7, 1914, when Pope Benedict XV suggested a temporary hiatus of World War One for the celebration of Christmas. Politicians of the various warring empires refused to create an “official” ceasefire, but the soldiers in the trenches declared their own truce. In the midst of the brutal and total war, the soldiers disobeyed their political and military masters, crossed into No Man’s Land, and celebrated peacefully with “the enemy.”

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Who Is Sandy Weill?

”We just made the president of the United States an insider.“

--Sandy Weill

Weil Goes to Washington

Sandy Weill’s creation of Citigroup – the first so-called “superbank” – and his successful lobbying for repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that stood in his way, was a demonstration of Weill’s and Wall Street’s political muscle.

But what has been the impact of Glass-Steagall’s demise and the merging of investment banks and commercial banks within a single financial behemoth? Did the emergence of full-service superbanks like Citigroup contribute to the abuses of the late-1990s bubble? 1

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Julia Ward Howe

Arise, all women who have hearts!

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Obama's Speech to Students, September 8, 2009

The President gives a speech directly to America’s students welcoming them back to school. He emphasizes their hope and potential but makes clear they will need to take responsibility for themselves and their education to reach that potential.

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